Why this site?
Welcome to Help me Help my Child, Ruth Coppard offer answers to your worries about your children. It often helps hearing someone else’s ideas, to confirm your thinking and check what you might do next. We understand how children develop and when things are unusual.
Our children are a source of endless delight, we would die for them. Watching them grow, we cherish, teach and worry about them. Initially, the worries are simple – the baby stays in one place. We make sure he eats, drinks, stays well and sleeps enough – then parents sleep enough too.
As the baby ages, our worries change. Are they developing as they should, as other babies do, learning to move, talk and communicate as ‘the books’ say? Every month brings new concerns: bed-wetting; getting into that school; Is he/she happy? Has he/she got friends? Is this normal? Do other children steal? Are they eating properly? Why does he/she talk like that? Does it matter that their Father hardly ever sees him/her awake? And many more you can’t imagine until they happen. Some concerns relate back to our own childhood; eating disorders, bullying or hating one’s parents. We are part of a never-ending sequence and may now finally understand our own parents or totally disagree with them.
We all want to be the best parents possible, and need answers. Once there was always someone to hand – extended family, Nanny or Doctor. If there’s no one to ask now, what might happen? Remember, you are the expert on your child; you know best what makes them happy, helps them learn, what they find distressing. Ruth Coppard the ‘expert’ on child development, education and child rearing, a psychologist experienced in helping many families. Together we can do a wonderful job supporting you maximize your child’s potential and happiness.
Author of this site
Ruth Coppard (Cert.Ed., B.A., M.Sc., Diploma in Educational Psychology), is an expert in educational and child psychology with over 30 years experience. Because she was on the Psychological Society media list for 15 years, Ruth became well known as a media consultant. Over the years, she gave numerous interviews for many national, BBC and local TV and radio stations. She was featured on BBC’s News and ‘Watchdog’ programmes as well as Channel Four’s popular ‘Richard and Judy’. Ruth’s articles, columns and advice regularly appeared in a wide variety of mainstream publications. These ranged from The Times, Telegraph, Guardian and Mirror to ‘Saga’ and ‘That’s Life’ magazines. In addition, Ruth was the Child and Educational Psychology expert on the WellBeing cable TV channel. The BPS recommend her as representative for child psychology in ‘Top Sante’s’ pull-out on psychology.
Ruth still receives requests for comments and interviews and is currently focussing on publishing. She no longer practices daily.